almost six months........

Can't believe it's almost six months already in Kuala Lumpur....

The kids are finding their places.

The house front door is once again becoming the revolving door of friends coming in and out to hang out with the kids......ahhhhhh  There is nothing that makes my heart more happy than seeing my kids happy.  The other night I had 5 girls (one of them Tosh) ....from the movies, to shopping,  back to our house for see the table filled with chatty, boy talk, fashion....girl talk, was PRICELESS to me!

Andre' has dove head first into Rugby and his best friend is Tobias in our subdivision.  He reminds me so much of his best friend in the USA, Mark!   Andre' towers over him, he's blonde and just a really sweet boy.  He's from Norway so he has this great accent too!  They ripstick together, play WII, soccer....all the boy stuff.  Bad note,  he is recovering from a SECOnd head injury.....friend down the street was playing with him and a little to rough which end result Andre's head was the cushion when he landed on the ground.

Valentin is still grinding the pavement of Ironman land... just competed In Singapore.  Did amazing considering differences of climate and taking a bashing from ocean swimming opposed to lake swimming.  He wasn't pleased with his numbers but I guess it just gives him more fuel to his soul for the next event. Which there's already one on his calendar in Phuket for December.

Me...hmmmmm........finally found an ART store it's time to get dusting off some brushes.. new canvas's are waiting....trying to get my brain back into creative mode.... also started tennis which has been very entertaining, my new friend Lisa and I have loads of giggles throughout the class!  I can hit the ball no worries, but when it comes to learning how to tame the power is a complete different story.  Then next week two more new riding lessons, and Sizzzlllleeee....yep just about as risky as it sounds, suppose to be a great ab, thigh and j lo work out, the sizzle is from using a chair for the work out.....use your imagination!  This could end up being way more entertaining than the tennis I'm thinking.

That's the latest on all of us................will post more photos soon. Being whisked away for the weekend by my man for our that can - 1-  make me feel really old.....20 years......-2-  say it's a miracle haa haaa.......for those who know RICckkkyyy and LUccccyyy will agreee  -3-  first time he's ever whisked me away without having the slightest clue as to where our destination may be.... i lovvve an adventure so all I can say is bring it on baby!!!


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