One part of the the Bali story that needs full details........

You know when you completely excited to hit a new adventure on vacation, the plane lands at the destination and your we go..........we get into the customs line in Bali, a note that needs to be added is the last few times we have traveled Valentin has mentioned under his breath, "I need to get more pages in my passport"......well he hands all of our passports to the official, normally it takes a few minutes to get all of our documents stamped and processed, but this time wasn't the "normal".  He looks at Valentin and very seriously asks if he has another passport????  I'm thinking, what?  No, of course he doesn't, why....OH not enough pages in his passport to have space for the entry visa and stamp.  Are you kidding me!!!  So off we are sent to the official's OFFICE, felt more like Valentin was off to the principals office.  The kids and I are off before we could follow him in, we are left in the crazy smokers filthy shambled "lobby".  We can see Valentin if he leans back in his chair which he did several times after his Official went in and out of the room leaving him in there alone.  We can hear bits and pieces of his plea as to not ship him out of the country, which was their plan, They were not keen on letting him seek the bliss of Bali. At one point I hear him, that would be horrible to ruin my kids and my wives holiday, (I didn't recall our passports being short of pages....hee hee) This went on for what seemed like hours, but it was probably all of 30 minutes.  After his boss, refused once to allow entry, the conversation then lead into how much cash we is true, sometimes cash can buy you $200.00 several more gray hairs for both of us and we were on our way. Talk about started our vacation in the land of supposed BLiss not so blissful.


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