It's official.....i have a blog

Several friends keep asking.....did you start a blog, please start a it is!  I only wish I would have started it in the states before we hit the air.  But I will go back through many of the adventures that have graced our lives since starting our latest adventure.  Before I start typing away to who know's where I may go, i will send this off into Cyber world, and if someone could please leave me a comment as then i will know it is up and running :) love you!!!


  1. and no those are NOT my beautifully sculpted arms..maybe after eating on the lighter side of the world they will eventually look like they use too :)

  2. love the photo but after looking at the print over it, it's a bit hard to read....enjoy..i'll be changing it soon. Rhonda

  3. You are now in Cyber world! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.

  4. I read you loud and clear! will be fun to read about your adventured on the other side of the world!

  5. Yea! Can't wait to read all about you and what's going on in your daily lives! Hope all is well. We sure do miss you in Kansas! :(


  6. Yo! Rho! What's up over there? Book club ain't the same without you my friend! Say hello to Valentin for me.


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